Anina von Molnar practices seated Meditation : Mindfulness, Vipassana, and Metta (Maitri / Loving Kindness) and has been guided and inspired by the following masters and philosophies:
Fred von Allmen - Fred von Allmen has been devoted to Buddhist studies and meditation since 1970. He has practiced under teachers of both the Tibetan and the Theravadin tradition in Asia, Europe and the USA and has spent 7 years in total during this time in retreat.. In addition he has been engaged in the study of Buddhist philosophy and psychology in the Tibetan tradition. Since 1984 he has been teaching meditation retreats and Buddhist workshops worldwide. He is the author of four books in German and a co-founder of the Meditation Center Beatenberg in the Swiss Alps.
Thich Nhat Hanh - Vietnamese Zen master with a monastery in France (Plum Village)
Sharon Salzberg - known for her practising of the Metta-Loving Kindness meditation
Pema Chödrön - Buddhist nun who has been instrumental in bringing the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism to the West
Joseph Goldstein - US teacher of Vipassana meditation in the tradition of early Buddhist Theravada.co-founder and guiding teacher of Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts.
In addition to the weekly class, one can also book private sessions upon request.